Disto::FX PRO units Input/Output unit
Input section: input audio signal pre-processing with input level amount, DC-Offset, saturation and L/R stereo channel mixing mode.
Output section: output audio signal post-processing with L/R channel panorama, saturation, dry/wet mixing balance, limiter/clipper and output level amount.
input volume "In-Vol" control knob controls input signal volume before any processing occurs (from -∞ to 0.0dB)
input "L/R" stereo mode switch changes between the following input stereo/mono modes:
L/R: stereo (keeps input signal unchanged),
R/L: inverse stereo (input signal channels are swapped),
M: mono mix (converts input to MONO by mixing left and right channel),
L/L: mono (converts input to MONO by copying left channel to right),
R/R: mono (converts input to MONO by duplicating right channel to left)
input "DC-Offset" control knob controls DC offset of the input signal, mouse double-click centers the knob and zeros the "DC offset" value
input saturation "In-Sat" control knob saturates the input signal
input saturation mode switch controls the different saturation modes:
SOFT (subtle soft saturation),
STD (classic standard saturation),
HARD (aggresive hard saturation)
maximal signal level "RESET" button resets the computed maximal signal level, which is displayed on the right side (-0,1 dB in the example screenshot)
"Pan" control knob controls the left/right stereo panning of the output signal
output saturation "Out-Sat" control knob saturates the output signal
output saturation mode switch controls the different saturation modes:
SOFT (subtle soft saturation),
STD (classic standard saturation),
HARD (aggresive hard saturation)
"Dry/Wet" mix control knob is used to blend the original/unmodified signal (dry) with the output/modified signal (wet)
high quality output filter mode "HQ-FIL" switch toggles between the following bessel filter operating modes for final signal processing and DC offset suppression:
HQ-FIL. (inactive/greyed-out),
HQ-FIL1 (20Hz-20kHz),
HQ-FIL2 (40Hz-20kHz)
"Limiter Threshold" control knob controls the output clipper/limiter threshold level
limiter mode switch changes between the following ouput clipper/limiter modes:
SOFT (soft clipper characteristic),
STD (standard limiter),
HARD (hard limiter)
output volume "Out-Vol" control knob is used to adjust the output signal volume (-∞ to 0.0dB dependent on the parameter settings)
"BYPASS" FX button bypasses all Disto::Fx modifications used for distorting the audio signal
program "SAVE" button opens file browser and saves current parameter settings to a *.DC program file
program "LOAD" button opens file browser and loads a previously stored program from a *.DC program file
factory preset browser displays the current program name and allows the user to browse the programs
Filter unit:
Pre-filter drive character and tone shaping with the help of two balanced filters.
filter unit on/off switch activates or deactivates the unit
filter "In-Drive" control knob drives the input signal of the filter unit before filtering the signal
filter "MODE" 1 switch changes the left side filter between the following filter modes:
RBJ-LP (Low-Pass), RBJ-HP (High-Pass), RBJ-BP1 (Band-Pass), RBJ-BP2 (Band-Pass), RBJ-BP3 (Band-Pass), RBJ-BS (Band-Stop)
filter 1 vs. 2 cross-fader mixes filtered signal 1 (left) and filtered signal 2 (right)
filter "MODE" 2 switch changes the right side filter between the following filter modes:
LP 6dB/12dB/18dB/24dB (Low-Pass), HP 6dB/12dB/18dB/24dB (High-Pass)
filter "Transition" switch/knob controls the transition speed of the filter cutoff/resonance knobs
filter "Resonance" control knob controls resonance (LP/HP) or Q value (BP/BS) of both filters (left+right)
filter "Cutoff" knob controls the cutoff frequency (LP/HP) or center frequency (BP/BS) of both filters (left+right)
Modulation FX unit:
Ring/amplitude modulation of processed signal with different waveforms.
Phasing effect simulates the effect of a rotating Leslie-cabinet and adds a more electronic touch to processed sound.
modulation FX on/off switch activates or deactivates the unit
ring modulator "Rate" control knob is used to set a ring/amplitude modulation frequency (0-2000Hz)
ring modulator "Amount" control knob is used to apply ring/amplitude modulation to the output signal
ring modulator "Waveform" control knob is used to select different waveforms for the ring modulation
phaser rate "Rate" control knob is used to set the phaser modulation frequency (0-20Hz)
phaser tempo synchronization "Sync." control knob is used for synchronizing the phaser modulation frequency with host tempo using different factors
phaser feedback "Feedb." control knob is used to adjust the phaser's feedback
phaser amount/depth "Amount" control knob determines the amount of phaser that is mixed in with the output signal
Distortion and Dynamic Shaper unit:
Distortion: Main distortion from subtle saturation to extreme distortion/overdrive with different shaping algorithms.
distortion FX on/off switch activates or deactivates the unit
"PRE" button activates the pre-distortion signal path, so that the audio signal is distorted before it is fed into the filter unit, as shown in the signal flow
"POST" button activates the post-distortion signal path
distortion curve preview display shows the application of the selected distortion/dynamic shaper curve to a sine-wave
"BitCrash" control knob is used to reduce the amplitude resolution that means it directly affects the quantization (for example: it converts a 32-bit signal to a 4-bit signal)
"SmpFreq" control knob reduces the sample rate (sampling frequency)
"Gate" control knob defines a threshold level for the noise-gate algorithm
distortion "Amount" control knob determines the amount of distortion
distortion/dynamic shaper curve display draws the selected distortion/dynamic shaper curve or shape
distortion mode switch activates one of the following operation modes:
SHAPE waveshaper operating mode: applies the selected distortion curve shape
BOOST boosts the signal and applies the selected distortion curve shape
LOUD performs extreme signal boost and applies the selected distortion curve shape
distortion curve interpolation ”INTERP” switch is used to switch between the following curve interpolation modes:
no interpolation (8-bit curve)
linear interpolation
cosine interpolation
cubic interpolation
hermite (highest quality
polarization switch changes the distortion polarization to one of the following polarization modes:
BOTH (effect is applied to all signal values)
POS (effect is applied to positive signal values)
NEG (effect is applied to negative signal values)
"RESTORE" button restores the curve from internal memory
distortion curve preset browser buttons are used to browse the built-in distortion curves
distortion curve name display shows the name of the selected distortion curve
Dynamic Shaper: Further distortion with help of dynamically controllable shaping algorithms.
distortion FX on/off switch activates or deactivates the unit
distortion/dynamic shaper curve preview display shows the application of the selected distortion/dynamic shaper curve to a sine-wave
distortion/dynamic shaper curve display draws the selected distortion/dynamic shaper curve or shape
dynamic shaper "Amount" control knob is used to set the dynamic shaper level
dynamic shaper "Width" control knob controls the width of the selected shape
dynamic shaper "Shape" switch/knob changes the shape type to one of the following:
Sine, Triangle, Pulse, Saw, Sine2, Pulse2, Noise1, Noise2, DynNoise
polarization switch changes the dynamic shaper polarization to one of the following polarization modes:
BOTH (effect is applied to all signal values)
POS (effect is applied to positive signal values)
NEG (effect is applied to negative signal values)
"INVERT" switch if activated inverts the dynamic shaper shape
"MODE" switch changes the dynamic shaper processing mode to one of the following:
Shaper (shaper only)
SatShaper (saturate and shape)
BoostShaper (boost input signal and apply shape)
BoostSatShaper (boost input signal, saturate and apply saturated shape)
Hardcore bass unit:
Bass Enhancement with low-range distortion.
HC bass unit on/off activates or deactivates the unit
old bass "Amount" control knob determines the amount of the old/original bass
old bass "Cut Freq." control knob is used to set the High-Pass cutoff frequency of the old/original bass (20-80Hz)
hardcore bass "Amount" control knob determines the amount of hardcore bass added to the output signal
hardcore bass "Freq." control knob is used to set the center frequency of the hardcore bass (100-200Hz)
hardcore bass "Drive" control knob is used to distort the hardcore bass signal before adding it to the output signal
Equalizer unit:
Simple three band equalization with Low-Pass/High-Pass filtering.
equalizer unit on/off activates or deactivates the unit
"Bass" control knob is used to set the amount of the 440Hz bass band (Low Shelf filter), mouse double-click centers the knob
"Mid" control knob is used to set the amount of the 2400Hz mid range band, mouse double-click centers the knob
"High" control knob is used to set the amount of the 4400Hz high band (High Shelf filter), mouse double-click centers the knob
"Dump/Expand" control knob is used to apply the following filter to the output signal:
0.0-0.5 Low-Pass (10-20000Hz) knob goes from left to center
0.5-1.0 High-Pass (10-20000Hz) knob goes from center to right
mouse double-click centers the knob and sets the "Dump/Expand" value to 0.5
"12dB/24dB" switch changes Low-Pass/High-Pass filter slope between 12dB and 24dB
Disto::FX PRO context-menu
The distortion unit context-menu is displayed by a Right-Mouse-Click on the distortion/dynamic shaper curve display.
It offers the following processing functions:
Restore Curve: restores distortion curve
Normalize: computes and applies a constant amount of gain to bring peak amplitude to the maximum target value 0dB
Compress: reduces the dynamic range of the distortion curve
Boost: amplifies the distortion curve by boosting factor
Smooth Curve: smooths distortion curve
Sharp Curve: sharpens distortion curve
Filter Curve (Low-Pass): applies a Bi-Di Low-Pass filter to distortion curve (this type of filter reduces aliasing in noisy/hard-edge distortion curves)
Filter Curve (High-Pass): applies a Bi-Di High-Pass filter to distortion curve
Smooth Zero-Crossing: fades in/out distortion curve values, so that the curve center becomes zero value
Add noise: adds white-noise to distortion curve
Add Dynamic noise: adds dynamic white-noise to distortion curve, the noise value is scaled according to the signal value
Mirror Positive Part: replaces negative distortion curve part with mirrored positive values
Mirror Negative Part: replaces positive distortion curve part with mirrored negative values
Quantize (64-steps): algorithmic quantization using curve mapping to 64 discrete steps
Quantize (32-steps): algorithmic quantization using curve mapping to 32 discrete steps
Quantize (16-steps): algorithmic quantization using curve mapping to 16 discrete steps
Quantize (8-steps): algorithmic quantization using curve mapping to 8 discrete steps
Linear Mix: performs a 50%/50% mix linear mix
Reset (Restore Linear): restores the "linear" distortion curve
Furthermore distortion-curves can be imported or exported to CSV/WAVE files.
Import Curve From CSV: opens a file selection dialog and imports a distortion curve from a comma-separated CSV text file (only first 2048 values are imported)
Import Curve From WAV: opens a file selection dialog and imports a distortion curve from a Microsoft WAVE soundfile format:
performs resampling if the WAVE file contains more or less than 2048 samples
Export Curve To CSV: opens a file selection dialog and exports current distortion curve to a comma-separated CSV text file
Export Curve To WAV: opens a file selection dialog and exports distortion curve to a Microsoft WAVE soundfile format (24-bit + 44100 Hz)
oscillator unit on/off switch activates or deactivates the unit
waveform display draws the selected oscillator's waveform
waveform browse buttons are used to browse the oscillator's waveform
the load waveform "LOAD WF" button opens a file browser and loads a WAVE or RAW (binary) file to the current preset:
only "User1" to "User15" waveforms can be used for loading the custom wavefiles
LFO waveform type/mode switch changes the LFO signal to one of the following types:
LFO SINE: sine-wave signal
LFO POS: positive part of the sine-wave signal
LFO NEG: negative part of the sine-wave signal
LFO ABS: absolute value of the sine-wave signal
LFO INV.: inverted value of the sine-wave signal
"LFO SYNC" button synchronizes all LFO signal frequencies from the remaining oscillator units to this unit's LFO frequency
LFO frequency "LFO freq." knob controls the frequency of the LFO
LFO tempo synchronization "Sync." switch synchronizes this oscillator unit LFO frequency to host tempo
oscillator fine "Tune" knob tunes this oscillator frequency by +/- 1.0 semitone
oscillator "Pitch" knob tunes this oscillator frequency by +/- 12.0 semitone
waveform name display shows the name of the currently selected oscillator's waveform
filter balance cross-fader mixes Low-Pass filtered signal 1 (left) and High-Pass filtered signal 2 (right)
"Pan" control knob controls the left/right stereo panning of the oscillator signal
saturation "Sat" control knob saturates the oscillator signal
"Vol" control knob controls the oscillator's volume
"Filter" control knob controls how the LFO signal affects the oscillator filter
"Freq." control knob controls the amount of the LFO pitch modulation
"Ampl." control knob controls the amount of the LFO volume/ring modulation
"Resonance" control knob controls resonance of both oscillator filters (left+right)
"Cutoff" filter knob controls the cutoff frequency (LP/HP) of the oscillator filters (left+right):
the normalized display value 0.0-1.0 is mapped to 20Hz-20kHz
Volume ADSR unit:
ADSR envelope preview display draws the current ADSR volume envelope for the specified settings
"Attack" control knob controls the volume attack time
"Decay" control knob controls the volume decay time
"Sustain" control knob controls the sustain envelope level
"Release" control knob controls the volume release time
"Duration" control knob controls the ADSR duration for each ADSR phase
"Velocity" control knob adjusts how much the amplitude reacts to the velocity of a played note
"Amount" control knob controls the overall volume level of the sound
Filter ADSR unit:
ADSR envelope preview display draws the current ADSR filter envelope for the specified settings
"Attack" control knob controls the filter attack time
"Decay" control knob controls the filter decay time
"Sustain" control knob controls the sustain envelope level
"Release" control knob controls the filter release time
"Duration" control knob controls the ADSR duration for each ADSR phase
"Velocity" control knob adjusts how much the filter reacts to the velocity of a played note
"Amount" control knob controls the overall filter level of the sound
ADSR settings controls:
copy current volume ADSR parameter settings to filter ADSR parameter settings
copy current filter ADSR parameter settings to volume ADSR parameter settings
FM modulator unit:
"1/4 Fc" control knob controls the amount of the 0.25x carrier frequency modulator,
which supplies the modulation sine-wave signal
"1/2 Fc" control knob controls the amount of the 0.5x carrier frequency modulator (sine-wave)
"Fc" control knob controls the amount of the carrier frequency modulator
"2 Fc" control knob controls the amount of the 2x carrier frequency modulator
"4 Fc" control knob controls the amount of the 4x carrier frequency modulator
FM "Fade-In" control knob controls how the FM modulation is applied from start of a note (in seconds)
Unison unit:
Unison "Voices" control knob controls the number of voices for each oscillator
Unison "Detune" control knob detunes the unison voices up to one semitone
Unison "Fade-In" control knob controls how the unison voices are applied from start of a note (in seconds)
this setting helps drum programs (kick drum head) and pluck instruments sound more natural
Bass-Layer unit:
"Click" control knob controls the volume and type of the click applied to each note
"Bass-Layer" control knob controls the volume of the sine-wave sub-oscillator
"SOLO" switch if activated mutes oscillator 1,2,3 and plays only the sine-wave sub-oscillator
Bass-Layer "FILTER" switch sends the Bass-Layer signal to the Disto::FX filter unit Please note: the Disto::FX unit is not applied to the Bass-Layer signal
Bass-Layer "FM" switch activates the FM modulation for the Bass-Layer sub-oscillator